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Hamlet`s Castle and Øresund Strait Ferry to Sweden - Full-Day Tour


Informaciones generales

Copenhagen, Dinamarca

Detalles del programa

Join us on a full day’s tour from Copenhagen, where we travel up the coast road to Hamlet’s Castle, set in historic Helsingør, we sail across the Øresund Strait to Sweden and stop in beautiful Lund, then we drive south to magnificent Malmö and finally return to Copenhagen across the spectacular Øresund Bridge.

Hamlet`s Castle

In Helsingør, you are free to choose your options:

You can go inside Hamlet’s Castle, called Kronborg, or you might like to see Hamlet’s Castle from the outside - take a walk around the ramparts and get an excellent view over the Øresund, the busy shipping lane between Denmark and Sweden.

If you are good at walking, why not take a stroll into the centre of Helsingør and wander around its narrow streets, with buildings that date back to the 1500s; you can visit the Maritime Museum, which is located at the bottom of a dry dock and tells the history of Helsingør’s proud relationship with the sea. (Please note that you will not have time to combine this option with a visit to Kronborg).

Make sure that you are back on the bus on time, as we can’t wait for you, if you arrive back late.


After our visit to Helsingør, we sail across the Øresund to southern Sweden, which is known as Skåne. From there we travel through some of the prettiest country roads in Skåne to the ancient city of Lund, known for its Medieval Cathedral and University.

In Lund you are again free to choose your options:

You can visit Lund Cathedral, consecrated in 1145, with its astronomical clock installed around 1424, bells dating as far back as 1513, its five organs, the largest of which was built between 1932 and 1934.

You can also see Lund University, which can trace its roots back to 1425, making this the oldest site of higher education in Scandinavia, and Lundagård Park, where you can find the Lund University Historical Museum (entrance ticket not included).

Behind Lundagård is Kulturen, Sweden’s second oldest open-air museum, opened in 1892, where you can admire 30 old buildings from previous centuries, from the Middle Ages to the 1930s (entrance fee not included in your tour ticket).

Lund is a great place to have lunch, as there are lots of little restaurants serving tasty food and many have special offers at lunchtime, or fixed-price menus (not included).

We finally will visit Malmö. We will stop in Stortorget, which appropriately means Big Square. Behind it is Lilletorget, or Little Square, where you can find a selection of Malmö’s most popular restaurants, some historic buildings and a vintage telephone box.

On the northwest side of Stortorget is Malmö’s main shopping street and pedestrian walkway. You can visit the modern art gallery, Moderna Museet, built in an old electricity generating station, which was opened in 1901, or Malmöhuset, built in the 1530s. Malmö Art Museum and Malmö Natural history museum are located at Malmöhuset.


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