(+39) 010 5701151

Delft Private Walking Tour


Informaciones generales

The Hague, Países Bajos

Detalles del programa

The beautiful medieval city of Delft has a charm of its own, much due to its numerous historical buildings and being ringed with canals that are crisscrossed with bridges.

Discover more about the pottery that characterize this city, the former political importance of Delft and to find out where the famous Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer is buried.

At the Markt square, see the New Church, the second highest church in the Netherlands. Since the Reformation a Protestant temple, it is the burial site of most members of the Royal House of Orange-Nassau, including queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard.

See the Koornbeurs House, one of the oldest buildings in town, dated from the 13th century as a trade-storage house. It stands next to the Old Canal, or Oude Delft, from which the city has grown out of in the last 750 years. Wonder at the famous Windmill 'de Roos', the last standing medieval mill within Delft’s city center.

Follow your guide in a walk around the town, for an experience you will never forget.

You will learn about:

*Origin of the city’s name and 11th century background

*Foundation of the 13th century

*Medieval trade and industry center

*Major city in the 17th century

*Great Fire of Delft

*The city’s association with the House of Orange

*80 Years’ War

*First de facto Capital of independent Netherlands

*Important center for the arts and printing

*Johannes Vermeer

*The Delft Explosion

You will see:


*Town Hall

*De Waag Building


*Maria van Jesse Church

*New Church

*Vermeer Centre

*Koornbeurs House

*Old Canal

*Old Church

*Museum Lambert van Meerten

*Windmill 'de Roos'