(+39) 010 5701151

Bethany and Dead Sea with Swim & Lunch


Informaciones generales

Amman, Jordania

Detalles del programa

Pick up from your hotel in Amman and head to the baptismal site of Jesus Christ (Bethany beyond Jordan) for a visit. The Baptism Site 'Bethany beyond the Jordan'(Al-Maghtas) is located in the Jordan Valley, north of the Dead Sea. The site contains two distinct archaeological areas, Tell el-Kharrar, also known as Jabal Mar Elias, and the area of the Churches of St. John the Baptist. 'Bethany beyond the Jordan' is of immense religious significance to the majority of denominations of Christian faith, who have accepted this site as the location where Jesus of Nazareth was baptised by John the Baptist. This reference encouraged generations of monks, hermits, pilgrims and priests to reside in and visit the site, and to leave behind testimonies of their devotion and religious activities, dating to between the 4th and the 15th century CE. At present, the site has regained a popular status as pilgrimage destination for Christians, who continue to engage in baptism rituals on site. Proceed to the Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth for for a 3-hour swim & lunch at Amman Tourist Beach Resort. It is the lowest point in the world at 394.6 m (1269 ft) below sea level.

Salt deposits

The water in the Dead Sea is extremely salty, and has been estimated to be the second saltiest major body of water in the world. Its name is derived from the fact that the water is far too salinated for marine inhabitation. Upon completion, transfer back to your hotel in Amman for drop off.