(+39) 010 5701151

Ruta gastronómica por Cracovia

Informaciones generales

Cracovia, Polonia

Detalles del programa

Experience the city in a totally new way – sightseeing with a culinary perspective! Great insight into Polish food and the culture of Kraków on a bus and walking tour. Oscypek cheese – made from sheep milk and smoked for two weeks over a highlander bonfire; lisiecka sausage – the favorite meat of Pope John Paul II; Kraków bagels (obwarzanki) – whose recipe has not changed in over five centuries; Polish dumplings – stuffed with meat, cottage cheese, fruit or vegetables. You will taste these and other delicacies during the visits to the specially selected shops, cafes, restaurants or markets. Along with the tastes, we will give you information on the history and architecture of the city.

The tour starts with visiting the Jewish district of Kazimierz to explore the area which used to be inhabited by one of the most diverse Jewish communities in Europe. Then a short drive takes you up the Wawel Hill, which is the embodiment of Poland's former monarchical glory. Its summit is occupied by the Royal Castle and the Wawel Cathedral, a 14th-century cathedral which hosted almost all coronations and funerals of the Polish monarchy. Having descended the Hill, we stroll along Kanonicza and Grodzka Streets to reach Collegium Maius (Great College), the oldest building of the Academia Cracoviensis.

After visiting the charming Gothic courtyard we continue to the Main Market Square – the bustling heart of the city. Complete your tour by visiting St. Mary's Church, where the stunning medieval altar sculpted by Wit Stwosz (Veit Stoss) is located and a bugle call sounds towards the four corners of the world every hour on the hour.
Duration:Four hours.

Languages: English.

Others: Babies aged 0-3 years – free of charge.