(+39) 010 5701151

Nabeul Hammamet

Informaciones generales

Hammamet, Tunicia

Detalles del programa

Nabeul Market is North Africa’s largest street market where you can buy everything from chocolate to cous cous and silk to saucepans. Although mainly geared towards tourists these days, you can still see locals buying vegetables, meat and household wares.

Next stop is the Médina of Hammamet. Set on a rocky promontory, the town's ancient medina contains a warren of narrow streets. Its old fort, with waves crashing against it, offers splendid views of the coast and the gardens of orange trees and jasmine plants.

Meeting/ pick-up point: From hotels.
Duration: Four hours.
Start/opening time: At 8.30am.
End/closing time: At 1.00pm.
Languages: German.