(+39) 010 5701151

Private Full Day Coptic Cairo and Mokkatam Tour

General information

Cairo, Egypt

Program details

Well where they got the water, also we also see the Hanging church, which was built on top of Babylon Fortress in the 10th century. then will drive to Virgin Mary Church in Maadi which was the last stopping spot for the holy Family before sailing to upper Egypt. The site is known for the floating bible that is still preserved.

Our tour will continue to the cave church of St., Simon built in the ElMokktam area which has been carved in the mountain and has a seating capacity of up to 20,000. The cave church is dedicated to St., Simon the Tanner, a craftsman saint who lived during the 10th century. The church as it exists today features various motives and sculptures depicting the life of Christ, and an amphitheater surrounding a central pulpit.