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Giant's Causeway and Game of Thrones® Location Tour

General information

Dublin, Ireland

Program details

Northern Ireland is famous for its landscapes and castles but one of the major attractions today is the filming locations of the Game of Thrones series.Once you have seen the beauty of the sites you will understand why they chose to film here.Jump on board , leave Dublin behind and enjoy the journey with us!

Dunluce Castle

Dunluce Castle is a now-ruined medieval castle in Bushmills, Northern Ireland. It is located on the edge of a basalt outcropping in County Antrim, and is accessible via a bridge connecting it to the mainland. It is also used as the inspiration for the Castle Greyjoy in the hit series. Enjoy a photo stop here before we move to our next stop.

Giants Causeway

Not part of the Game of Thrones locations, but we will be publicly flogged to just drive past the “8th wonder of the world " and not give you a chance to explore this UNESCO World Heritage site. Created by an erupting volcano or by the Giant Finn McCool himself. Who knows? This area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns and some reaching a height of 12 metres is truly unique.No visit is complete without a photo of your feet on the columns.

Theon's Return/Ballintoy Harbour

This would be the most interesting Game of Throne location that you will be visiting for the day. This harbour is so beautiful and unique that the Game of Thrones crew did almost nothing to change it into Pyke Harbour. You will recognize it even without a guide because it’s so phenomenal. The main scene we will show you here will be Theon Greyjoy’s return after releasing to be a ward from Winterfell. It will truly feel like you are standing in the scene at this filming location. As some added extras, we will also show you where Theon was baptised after his father decided he is not an Ironborn anymore which by the way is the same location that they use in season 6 for the scene “the drowning and crowning of the new king”. On the way down to the harbour, you will also stop and see the rock where the idols were burnt. and where the Greyjoy’s burial happened, A true fan will definitely recognise it.

Larrybane Quarry/Renly Baratheon’s Camp

This old chalk Quarry served as the setting for Renly Baratheon’s Camp in the TV series.

Transformed into a tourney site for an episode in Season 2. It’s rocky landscapes and coastal features made it a great location to recreate part of The Stormlands, where Renly set up his camp.Here, Renly and his new queen, Margaery Tyrell, watch from the sidelines as Loras Tyrell battles an unknown opponent. After defeating Loras, the challenger lifts off their helmet, introducing us to Brienne of Tarth for the first time. As a reward for winning, Brienne asks to join Renly’s Kingsguard. It is also here that Renly meets with Catelyn Stark, who warns him to take the upcoming war more seriously.

Without the sets and props from the show, Larrybane Quarry holds little resemblance to Renly Baratheon’s Camp. But it’s towering rock faces and sea views still make it a site worth visiting

The Dark Hedges/Arya's Escape

Planted in 1775 by James Stuart to add an imposing approach to his house this avenue of Beech trees is truly a sight to behold. Used in the HBO Game of Thrones series as the Kings Road, featured in the scene where Arya Stark, Gendry, and Hot Pie escaped on their way being transported to Castle Black.

Belfast City

After decades of conflict and division, Northern Ireland’s capital city is experiencing a massive resurgence as a tourist destination and a great place to visit. There’re many sights and attractions to see with friendly locals, an infectious atmosphere, an ever-expanding range of places to eat, drink, and to be entertained.To top it all off, it is a small city with everything you would expect from a big city, so enjoy and make the most of your time here.

