(+39) 010 5701151

Gibraltar Day Trip


General information

Malaga, Spain

Program details

This is a city where you breathe in the past at every nook and cranny. Choose between the different tours on offer and experience Gibraltar in all its glory.

The Rock of Gibraltar and St. Micheal’s Cave

During the Rock Tour, visit the Rock of Gibraltar, the symbol of the colony. Marvel at the miles-long network of tunnels, which was built during World War II when the city was of massive strategic importance. These were used to provide refuge for thousands of Gibraltarians during air raids.

The Gibraltar with caves option heads to the very top of the Rock of Gibraltar, which has more than 150 caves inside, including the 300 metre-high St Michael’s Cave, to marvel at the views of Africa and the Bay of Gibraltar and head into the caves. Meet the troops of wild Barbary macaques, the only population of such monkeys in Europe. Legend has it that as long as they are on the rock, Gibraltar will remain British.

Dolphin Watching

Or set sail on our award-winning dolphin boat trip to go in search of wild dolphins. The skipper and crew will share all their knowledge about dolphins. It also offers a great chance to view the rock from a different perspective. If you like, you can book the boat trip on its own. Although, bear in mind that the boat option is only available in summer.