(+39) 010 5701151

Lake Escondido and Lake Fagnano in ATV


General information

Ushuaia, Argentina

Program details

Lakes Off-Road is our amusing, intense and friendly way to discover the secrets hidden behind the Southern Andes Range. Far away from the routine of the conventional excursions, it is just the right thing to do for any kind of traveler. Have a relaxing day, traveling and having fun in a trip with some serious off-road experiences! From above the Andes, we’ll get a view of Lago Escondido (Hidden Lake), a little wonder that hides at the bottom of a valley. Afterwards, the enormous Lake Fagnano, impressive and great, we’ll be the main attraction.

Fun and enjoyment never depend on the weather: in our Land Rover Defender we will go through the forest and across rivers defying muddy tracks, and by the shore of lake with unique views. The guide’s congeniality, the barbecue and the Argentine Malbec shared with travelers from all over the world certainly will be worthy to be remembered. On top of all these sensations, from our refuge you’ll see views of Lake Fagnano reserved for just a few. This adventure is accessible to anyone who whishes to have fun and break free from all limitations by getting to know in deep a forest beyond words.


Spanish and English