(+39) 010 5701151

The Golden Circle - Afternoon

General information

Reykjavik, Iceland

Program details

First, you will visit Þingvellir National Park (Thingvellir National Park), located approximately 40km / 25 miles northeast of Iceland's capital, Reykjavík, the idyllic location of where the Icelandic parliament Alþingi became established in the year 930 AD, the oldest parliament in the world.

In 2004 Thingvellir National Park was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List thanks to its historical, cultural and geological importance and is now one of eight hundred places in the world that have been honoured by UNESCO.

Next, visit Gullfoss (Golden Waterfall), one of Iceland´s most popular waterfalls. If you are lucky to visit on a sunny day you may see a colourful rainbow shimmering over the falls be seen over the falls.

Finally, take a stroll through the Geysir Geothermal Field, not only will you be able to where walk amidst the hissing steam vents, sulphurous mud pots but you will get up close to erupting geysers such as the great Geysir or Strokkur.

