(+39) 010 5701151


General information

Tenerife, Spain

Program details

Come with us to one of the world's biggest street parties, the second largest carnival in the world after the carnival at Rio. Prepare to be spellbound by this wild orgy of music, colour and fantasy, attracting over 400,000 visitors from all over the world. You'll see an endless parade of floats, decorated in all the colours of the rainbow, troupes of dancers adorned with peacock feathers, swathes of beads and silver sequins shimmying in the breeze. Troupes of drummers lifting a vibrant passionate crowd, gangs of men dressed as women letting it all hang out and clowns of every imaginable colour conga-dancing down the thronging streets. And and the centre of it all the Carnival Queen, elected every year to great popular acclaim. br>
After being picked from your hotel you'll be taken to the island's capital, Santa Cruz, for grandstand views of this world-famous carnival parade. You'll be hard put on not to start moving to the pulsating rhythm of over a hundred murgas, comparsas, rondallas and other musical groups as an endless succession of troupes of dancers in dazzlingly exotic costumes and wildly decorated floats pass before your eyes. You'll have plenty of time to explore the party and soak up the atmosphere on your own before you board the bus back to the resort. An unforgettable evening of tropical fantasy and rhythm at Europe's greatest street party.

Meeting / Pick up point: Hotel pick up.
Start or opening time:1.30 - 2pm.