(+39) 010 5701151

Wild Florida Airboat Package

General information

Orlando, United StatesSightseeing Tours

Program details

Take a break from the theme parks and experience the tropical wetlands of Florida first hand! You’ll get to know another side to the sunshine State with little sign of development or human habitation. This half day Airboat Package includes a 1-hour airboat tour, alligator handling demonstration and free photo, barbeque lunch and an exclusive alligator souvenir.

Enjoy unforgettable views of the lush vegetation teeming with wildlife

Take a break from the theme parks and experience the tropical wetlands of Florida first hand! You’ll get to know another side to the sunshine State with little sign of development or human habitation. This half day Airboat Package includes a 1-hour airboat tour, alligator handling demonstration and free photo, barbeque lunch and an exclusive alligator souvenir.

Enjoy unforgettable views of the lush vegetation teeming with wildlife as we explore the backwaters of the Florida tropical wetlands in this airboat adventure. Learn all about the area’s fascinating natural history and complex ecosystems as you glide through the water.

Then come up close to the area’s most famous denizens at an alligator wildlife show and learn all about these fascinating creatures from their expert handlers. You can even get to hold a baby gator if you dare! Then after a stroll into the woods to see more alligators in their natural habitat, it’s time for a delicious home-cooked barbecue before heading back to the resort.

Meeting/pick-up point: 3301 Lake Cypress Rd. Kenansville, FL 34739.
Start/opening time: At 9am.
End/closing time: At 6pm.
Languages: English.
Others: Dress according to the weather. Wild Florida is ADA compliant and accessible. Wheelchairs are not allowed on the airboats, but guests can be lifted/assisted on and off the boat easily. One alligator gift per adult and child sale. Airboat tour is followed by alligator handling show and photos. BBQ at 12pm includes meat choice, bread and side with soft or hot drink.

Guiding options
Guiding type: Guide