(+39) 010 5701151

Auschwitz-Birkenau tour in a small group

General information

Krakow, Poland

Program details

The tragedy that befell Poland under the Nazis is over but the scars will never really heal as this emotive tour of the Auschwitz-Birkenau, the most notorious of Nazi concentration camps, will reveal. Representing a truly awful point in the history of humanity, this tour of the Auschwitz and Birkenau camps offers insights into both the strengths and weaknesses of the human condition.

Exactly how many innocent men, women and children were murdered at Auschwitz is not known but all estimates are above the one-million mark. The tour includes a visit to Auschwitz I, the administrative centre of the camp, and Auschwitz II, which was designed and constructed as an extermination facility.

Walk through the gate bearing the fallacious inscription: ‘Arbeit macht frei’ (work sets one free) and begin touring the complex. The guide will explain the origins of the camp, its history and the everyday life of the prisoners. The memorial and museum were founded in 1947 and the complex comprises the camps of Auschwitz (Auschwitz I) in Oświęcim and Birkenau (Auschwitz II) in adjacent Brzezinka. There are approximately 150 buildings and 300 ruins. The original roads, fences, watchtowers and railway ramps have all been preserved. In 1979, the camp was designated a Unesco World Heritage Site.

Out of respect for those who lost their lives here, please maintain the dignity and sanctity of these memorials by wearing appropriate attire. This tour will provide an education into a history that can never be forgotten so that the steps and climate leading up to it will never be repeated again. In order to make the experience more personal, there is a maximum capacity of 19 people.

Meeting/pick-up point: Corner of 2 Swietego Jana Street and 41 Main Market Square. Hotel pick up is free but on request - please contact reservation department up to 24 hours before the tour to confirm exact pick up time from your hotel.

Duration: Six-and-a-half hours.
Start/opening time: At 7am.
Languages: English.

Others: The video shown along the way, from the departure of the tour to the museum, is in English only.
For the hotel pick up,please indicate the hotel name at the moment of reservation. Otherwise, please contact our booking department to confirm the pick up time 48 hours in advance, without this information the pick-up cannot be confirmed.
Please note, that the maximum size of backpacks or handbags brought into the Museum Auschwitz can not exceed dimensions: 30x20x10 cm. Please leave your bags in the bus.