(+39) 010 5701151

Andorra PassMuseu

General information

Andorra La Vella, Andorra

Program details

PassMuseu identification is a Pass to visit all the museums in Andorra, is a convenient and practical document that provides a description of the cultural spaces of the Principality. Each museum will withdraw the corresponding cutout tab, and stating your visit. This passport is not transferable, includes a single access to one person in each museum and has effects only in museums and not personally identifiable. Passport valid for one year. Includes a visit to each of the 18 Museums of Andorra: Museum: from Moto, Ethnographic, Sacred Art, Automobile, Electricity, House Areny-Plandolit Natura Center of Cortinada Cal Pal, the Miniature, Postal, Casa Rull, Romanesque Andorra Forge Rosell, the Comic, the Tabac, Art Center, and the Water Perfume and Madriu.

Meeting/ pick-up point: National Tourism Office C / Dr. Vilanova, 13 - AD500 Andorra la Vella.
Start/opening time: 9am.
End/closing time: 7pm.