(+39) 010 5701151

Sipoonkorpi National Park and Smoke Sauna Experience


Informazioni generali

Helsinki, Finlandia

Il programma nel dettaglio


- Discover the beauty of Finland at Sipoonkorpi National Park

- Easy and rewarding hike with a barbecue lunch

- Enjoy an authentic Finnish smoke sauna

- Swim in a freshwater lake

- Extremely relaxing, and typical Finnish experience

Experience the relaxing and refreshing effects of the taiga forest on this day hike in Sipoonkorpi National Park. Enjoy a campfire barbecue in the national park and top it all off with a visit to a traditional Finnish smoke sauna.

During this experience, you will get to discover the beauty of Sipoonkorpi national park with a professional wilderness guide. The guide will lead you through forested trails stopping along the way to learn about Finnish wildlife and nature. Our trail leads us to a rocky vista overlooking a freshwater lake where we will have a campfire barbecue.

After a delicious lunch, we will continue our walk to the smoke sauna (a total of 6km). Time to relax, go for a swim, and enjoy a traditional Finnish smoke sauna

You will visit and experience a true smoke sauna, which is held in the highest esteem by most Finns. As we sit in the sauna which is heated to around 80-100 degrees Celsius, water is thrown on the rocks (which we have a word for here in Finland: Löyly). This sends a wave of heat throughout the sauna, which in turn brings relaxation, relieves stress, flushes toxins, helps muscle stiffness, and clears your skin.

After the sweat, comes the swim! We will step outside to cool down and breathe in the fresh air. There is a lake just outside the sauna where we can go for a swim, and if you are brave enough to join us in the winter we will go for the famous arctic dip! Go ahead and take a photo, otherwise, no one will believe you!

After our dip, we will head back into the sauna to warm up again and then we will repeat the entire experience twice more. With each dip comes more pleasure and we believe three swims is the magic number.

All that being said, there is no right or wrong to enjoying the sauna. Most importantly you ought to be comfortable. You may have heard that the Finns bathe in the heat naked, but since we are at the public mixed smoke sauna it is mandatory to wear bathing suits, so no sweat! (Okay, there still will be sweat)