(+39) 010 5701151

Jericoacoara in 1 Day


Informazioni generali

Fortaleza, Brasile

Il programma nel dettaglio

After departing Fortaleza, enjoy a scenic journey towards Jijoca de Jericoacoara. Upon arrival, change vehicles to an environmentally friendly 4x4 vehicle before crossing the dunes, where you will also see the famous lagoons.

Next, the driver will take you to the Tree of Preguiça, due to the strong winds of the region, this iconic plant grew up along the ground as if it was taking a nap. The tour goes towards Pedra Furada, where an ecological walk is made. At a certain time of the year, the sun sets "inside" the Pedra Furada.

Our last stop is at Lagoa do Paraíso, famous for its crystal clear waters and aquatic hammocks.