(+39) 010 5701151

Discover Angkor Away From The Crowds By Vespa

Informazioni generali

Siem Reap, Cambogia

Il programma nel dettaglio

The Angkor highlights Away from the Crowds as an alternative introduction to the architectural wonder that is the Angkor Wat temple complex.

Find Angkor on our fun and comfortable Vespas, taking shrouded trails through the woodland, towns, and rice fields. It's an adventure that literally cannot be driven through on four wheels! Our Angkor Tour is quickly gaining popularity as the most unique and energizing approach to maintaining a strategic distance from large crowds and appreciating the enchantment of Angkor.

In this experience, we visit the significant features of Angkor Wat, the walled city of Angkor Thom, the Bayon, and Ta Prohm, as well as some lesser-known places. Our visit centers around the sanctuaries as well as the astonishing environmental factors. We maintain a strategic distance from the huge transportation vehicles and bull-horn traffic caused by other tour guides by taking shrouded trails through the wilderness, towns, and rice fields.

These towns and trails have existed since the building of the sanctuaries we will visit began, lending itself to a feeling of wonder and amazement, ideal for an explorer searching for a special Angkor experience!

We promise you will cherish and love the sanctuaries once you see them in person!

Either way, it's the ride on our fun Vespas past old remains, through the wilderness and along with antiquated city dividers, that turns this experience into a genuine treat!