(+39) 010 5701151

Stockholm Archipelago Kayaking Day Tour


Informazioni generali

Stoccolma, Svezia

Il programma nel dettaglio

You will meet your guide and group at Our Adventure Café and set off in our comfortable minivan on a short drive out to the archipelago proper. All our kayak guides are local, qualified and experienced, so once you are geared up they will take time to run through some basic paddling techniques and safety information with you before you set off on a beautiful journey of discovery!

The wildlife, rugged scenery and serenity of the paddle will blow you away! It really is a very special place and there’s no better way to enjoy it than in a kayak. Some of the islands will be big enough to house a village, some just a single homestead and others so small they have room for only one tree on them! There will be towering cliffs, narrow passage ways, plenty of forest and wildlife in abundance! The wildlife and nature is astonishing! Moose, Roe Deer, Fallow Deer and Red Foxes live on the larger islands and during the summer months they swim between them. White-tailed/Sea eagles, Canadian Geese, Eider, Loons, Arctic Terns, Ospreys, Great Cormorants and other migratory birds can be seen all summer out in the archipelago. You may even get lucky and see grey seals out fishing in the waters!

You will stop on the sunniest and most sheltered island for a delicious and freshly prepared lunch, where you are welcome to swim and sunbathe should you wish. Our guides try to stop for lunch on a new island everyday so that we keep our impact on the nature to a minimum. With so much protection from the open sea we can always find somewhere sheltered to stop, even if it is windy. Our guides get weather updates daily and will change the route of the tour depending on the weather forecast.

Once lunch has been enjoyed and you’re ready to get going again, you’ll continue to paddle around the islands spotting wildlife and exploring further before heading back to the minivan where you’ll pack up and head back into the city.


Experienced & knowledgeabe guide

New Prijon Kayaks

TNP Wolferine Light Paddles

Hiko Life Vests

Transport from/back to City Centre

Delicious Freshly Prepared Lunch

Afternoon Fika