Tivoli, the Best of the Hadrian Villa and Villa d'Este - Private Tour

Informazioni generali

Roma, Italia

Il programma nel dettaglio

The tour starts from your hotel, a comfortable minivan will take you to this wonderful historic city located to the East of Rome, immersed in the beautiful Tiburtini hills. Tivoli has a cooler climate than Rome thanks to its position as well as for the richness of its water, thus becoming a location favored since ancient times as a summer residence for wealthy Romans. Upon arrival your guide will illustrate Villa Adriana, the most beautiful Imperial villa, designed and built by Emperor Hadrian at the beginning of the 2nd century AD in a unique setting of gardens and swimming pools.

Then you will proceed with Villa ’Este, charming villa with rich Renaissance fountains, water features, waterfalls and incomparable Italian garden. The two villas are on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. Your guide will take you on a journey back to Rome and will tell you stories about the construction of these impressive buildings and scandals that accompanied the famous Roman families of that time. A unique occasion to known one of the most appreciated, peaceful and historical area at the roman time, very close to the chaotic capital of the roman empire.