Cold War and Berlin Wall without Transport - Private Tour

Informazioni generali

Berlino, Germania

Il programma nel dettaglio

The Cold War Berlin Wall split not just the city and Germany in two but the entire world for almost 30 years. The emotional, physical and psychological scars it left behind will take generations to heal.

See many of the landmarks that came to define the city’s tragedy, including the remnants of the most iconic symbol of that division, what the East German authorities called the ‘Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart’. See the TV tower, the Stalinist architecture of the 2km-long Karl-Marx-Allee – where military parades were held in the shadow of wedding-cake style buildings – and learn about the mysterious ‘ghost’ stations, where subway trains would pass through without ever stopping at the platforms patrolled by stern-looking armed guards.

Learn all about the notorious Stasi secret police, which ran a hi-tech surveillance operation on virtually the entire population. Find out what happened to its agents after the Wall fell, what became of the leading communist politicians and where the former border guards who scoured the death strip by the Wall ended up. Hear about the ingenious ways dreamed up by Berliners to cross the Wall. Admire and take photos of the graffiti along colourful East Side Gallery, a kilometre-long stretch of what remains of the Wall. Pass what was once no-man’s-land, see former checkpoints and hear more tales of espionage and intrigue.