(+39) 010 5701151

Amman City Tour

Informazioni generali

Amman, Giordania

Il programma nel dettaglio

After being picked up from your hotel in Amman, you will embark on a 2-hour tour of the capital city of Jordan. Your visit includes sites and museums such as the Citadel, the area known as the Citadel sits on the highest hill in Amman, Jebel Al Qala'a (about 850m above sea level), and is the site of ancient Rabbath-Ammon. Occupied since the Bronze Age, it's surrounded by a 1700m-long wall, which was rebuilt many times during the Bronze and Iron Ages, as well as the Roman, Byzantine and Umayyad periods. There's plenty to see, but the Citadel's most striking sights are the Temple of Hercules and the Ummayad Palace.

The Jordan Archaeological Museum is also located in the Amman Citadel. Built in 1951, it presents artefacts from archaeological sites in Jordan, dating from prehistoric times to the 15th century. The collections are arranged in chronological order and include items of everyday life such as flint, glass, metal, pottery objects, as well as more artistic items such as jewellery and statues. The museum also has a fabulous coin collection. The museum formerly housed some of the Dead Sea Scrolls, including the only copper scroll, which are now on display in the newly established Jordan Museum, along with the Ain Ghazal statues, which are among the oldest statues ever made by human civilization.

The Folklore Museum, Immediately to the right as you enter the Roman Theatre, houses a modest collection of items illustrating traditional Jordanian life. It includes a Bedouin goat-hair tent complete with tools, musical instruments such as the rababa (a one-stringed Bedouin instrument), looms, mihbash (coffee grinders), some weapons and various costumes, including traditional Circassian dress. The blue mosque, completed in 1989 as a memorial by the late King Hussein to his grandfather, can house up to 7000 worshippers, with a further 3000 in the courtyard. There is also a small women's section for 500 worshippers and a much smaller royal enclosure. The cavernous, octagonal prayer hall is capped by a magnificent blue dome 35m in diameter, decorated with Quranic inscriptions. This is the only mosque in Amman that openly welcomes non-Muslim visitors.

After a slice of culture, you will be taken back to your hotel in Amman, where you can enjoy the rest of your day at your leisure!