(+39) 010 5701151

Tastes of Croatia


Informazioni generali

Zagabria, Croazia

Il programma nel dettaglio

Browse the stalls piled high with produce at Dolac Market and meet the local farmers Experience a traditional Zagreb breakfast at a famous tavern in Upper Town Explore the distinct culinary traditions of different regions and sample specialties like truffles from Istria and seafood from Dalmatia Learn how the turbulent history of Croatia has had an effect on local cuisine Taste one of Zagreb's best loved local dishes, called Štrukli (dough layered with soft cheese and boiled or baked) .Whether you consider yourself a bonafide foodie or you simply love to try new foods, one of the best ways to really get a feel for a new destination is by eating like a local — something you’ll be doing a lot of this tour, so bring your appetite! Get to know the real Croatia by sampling your way through its best-loved local delicacies accompanied by a knowledgeable local guide. Delve into the country’s culinary past and learn all about how Croatia’s history helped shaped the local cuisine. Start with a visit to bustling Dolac Market, the city’s oldest and most famous market, and its culinary heart. Browse the many stalls teeming with colourful produce, meet the farmers, and sample locally prepared goods including homemade cornbread and fresh cottage cheese. Save some stomach space, though, because next it’s time for a traditional Zagreb breakfast at one of the most famous taverns in Upper Town. As you move through the city, you’ll get to enjoy a wide variety of local Croatian food and drink, including truffles from Istria, awards-laden olive oils, Štrukli (dough layered with soft cheese), as well as rakija (a potent herbal brandy purported to improve blood circulation and immunity). Amidst all that eating and drinking you’ll also have a chance to explore the small, winding streets of Upper Town, and stop by the city’s historical (and some say mystical) Stone Gate. You’ll finish up your day with a visit to a cheese bar where you’ll enjoy some award-winning Croatian cheeses, flavoured with herbs and truffles. You’ll want to leave at least a bit of space at the end though, for a surprise treat that will please your sweet tooth. By the end of the tour you may be full, but you’ll also be relishing the unique tastes of Croatian cuisine.

