Ingapirca Archaeological Complex and City Tour - Private Tour

Informazioni generali

Cuenca, Ecuador

Il programma nel dettaglio

The day starts early in the morning to Ingapirca. Along the way, tourists will have the opportunity to observe craftsmen engaged in weaving straw shawl.

Once in Ingapirca to visit the archaeological complex and museum is made. Our guide will explain the history of our ancestors Cañar- Incas and how the complex was built . Walk between the archaeological ruins(Approximately 2 hours. ).

Lunch at Hostería place. Returning to a stop at Biblián Cuenca , a place where the Church of the Virgen del Rocio, known for its architecture , old and building on top of the mountain is made. After lunch, return to Cuenca, visit the main attractions of the city: Parque Calderon, New and Old Cathedrals and El Barranco, el Puente Roto, a hat factory and Ron Cava de San Miguel (optional - additional cost). Return to hotel.