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Łódź: The City of Colours - Full-Day Tour


Informazioni generali

Varsavia, Polonia

Il programma nel dettaglio

Take a day trip to one of the most outstanding cities in Poland. It is energy, history, culture, and business in one place and not enough words to express all that Łódź is about.

Homeplace of great Polish artists, actors, and musicians, an academic centre with the best in Poland Movie School, the historical business hub of Europe and a City of cross cultures It’s short but so impressive history made Łódź a very important cultural centre of Poland. Visit the Palace of Israel Poznanski – Creator of the textile business in Central Europe – what is now a City Historical Museum, walk along the paths of the greatest polish actors, musicians and poets like Arthur Rubinstein, Andrzej Wajda, Roman Polanski, Julian Tuwim and many more or take a walkalong polish Walk of Fame.

Visit the museum of one of the largest textile factories in XIX century Europe what is now a complex of business, commerce and culture – Manufaktura or other industrial centers converted into museums or cultural sites, look for outstanding murals referring to the City’s history or uncover the hippie site of the City or it’s hard WW II history.