(+39) 010 5701151

Butterfly Conservatory

Informazioni generali

Toronto, CanadaVisite guidate

Il programma nel dettaglio

Feel your spirits soar at the Niagara Parks Butterfly Conservatory, a wonderfully relaxing and therapeutic way to meet exotic butterflies at close quarters. Prepare to enter the hot and humid world of the tropics where butterflies abound. Explore the 180 metres of paths winding their way through the lush, tropical environment to be found in the Niagara Parks Butterfly Conservatory, a magical attra

Feel your spirits soar at the Niagara Parks Butterfly Conservatory, a wonderfully relaxing and therapeutic way to meet exotic butterflies at close quarters. Prepare to enter the hot and humid world of the tropics where butterflies abound. Explore the 180 metres of paths winding their way through the lush, tropical environment to be found in the Niagara Parks Butterfly Conservatory, a magical attraction that is home to over 2,000 of these colourful and delightful creatures.

Floating freely among the exotic blossoms and greenery, the graceful butterflies charm visitors with their dazzling wings and elegant flight. Stroll past a pond and a waterfall and the emergence window, where butterflies leave their pupae and prepare to take their first flight. More than 60 spectacular species including the red lacewing, the banded orange, yellow swallowtail and the Small Postman make this place their home.

Wear bright colours if you want to encourage the butterflies to land on you or position yourself near to one of the many feeding stations for fine close-up views. Either way, make sure to take your camera because there is no shortage of unmissable photo opportunities. Frogs and other aquatic species help to enhance the rainforest atmosphere.

Get stunning new insights into the lives of these delightful creatures at the Niagara Parks Butterfly Conservatory, a great excursion for all the family that is educational and entertaining in equal measure.

Meeting/pick-up point: 2405 Niagara Parkway.
Start/opening time:January and February: 10am. March through December: 9am (subject to change).
End/closing time:January and February: 4pm. Rest of the year varies from 5pm to 8pm (subject to change).

Starting point:
2405 Niagara Parkway. - CA