(+39) 010 5701151

Touring: Spanish Delights-6 days

Informazioni generali

Barcellona, SpagnaVisite guidate

Il programma nel dettaglio

On day 1, travel to Zaragoza and then to Madrid. Day 2, depart to Cordoba to visit its famous mosque/Cathedral and its Jewish quarter. Day 3, enjoy a panoramic tour of Sevilla (exterior of the Cathedral, Barrio de Santa Cruz, María Luisa Park and Plaza España). Here, you will have the possibility to admire a flamenco show. On day 4, discover Granada and the Alhambra. Optionally you can experience a Gypsy night. Day 5, departure to Valencia, capital of the region and famous for its internationally known "Paella". Finally, on day 6 know the amazing modern architecture of the city of Arts and Sciences in Valencia and then travel to Barcelona.