(+39) 010 5701151

Off the beaten path trip in Warsaw

Informazioni generali

Varsavia, Polonia

Il programma nel dettaglio

A trip organized in the old communist van “Nysa 522” during which we will see places that usually are non-tourist areas and are not so easy to be found. No worries! Our enthusiastic guides will take you there!

A trip organized in the old communist van “Nysa 522” during which we will see places that usually are non-tourist areas and are not so easy to be found. No worries! Our enthusiastic guides will take you there!

On our way we visit the remains of the Communism (Constitution Square, Palace of Science and Culture), pre-war Warsaw (streets which survived World War II), Jewish Ghetto and the bohemian Praga district. The first area that we visit is the city centre where you can see the streets that survived World War II, where we enter gates, courtyards, staircases. In many of those buildings you can still find bullet holes from the Warsaw Uprising. Here you can feel the atmosphere of the Old Warsaw. We also stop in the last street of the Jewish Ghetto, where you will touch the part of Warsaw that doesn’t exist anymore. This is also a perfect place to talk about the cultural diversity that was so characteristic for Warsaw before the War. You can see the mix of different kinds of the architecture. After that we will move to the communist world to show you the post-war ideas. You will see the way in which the communists rebuilt the city with a huge doze of propaganda. We visit the Constitution Square, Party House, Palace of Culture and Science.

Our next stop will be the bohemian Praga district. Praga survived the War, but it used to be a forgotten and dangerous part of the city. Recently, however, artists have moved here and they have changed this district a lot. Here we will show you the atmosphere of the local streets, old market, former vodka factory. After so many attractions it’s time for a lunch- in a milk bar which used to be popular in the Communist times, where we will try typical Polish cuisine. After that we go to see a different face of Praga- old factory that recently was converted into the center of various activities. At the end we will visit the Museum of Life under Communism. Here you will experience a small apartment furnished in socialist style, a communist party member’s office, a shop, a bar and a street from the era. You will see how people used to live and watch propaganda movies of the 1950s. We also kindly invite you for a typical aperitif. In the end of the tour we drop off guests back at the hotel.

Meeting/pick-up point: Hotel

Start/opening time: At 10am

End/closing time: At 2pm

Languages: English

Starting point:
Hotel pickup

Guiding options
Guiding type: Guide