(+39) 010 5701151

Snaefellsnes National Park

Informazioni generali

Reykjavik, IslandaVisite guidate

Il programma nel dettaglio

Snaefellsnes peninsula is a beautiful area located on the west side of Iceland which offers many recreational activities. Our first stops after reaching the peninsula are at Gerðuberg, a columnar basalt cliff in Hnappadalur valley, and Ölkelda, a natural spring of clean drinking water. We then continue around the peninsula and to the National Park. On our way we will stop at Arnarstapi and enjoy its extraordinary shores and scenery. Nature lovers enjoy the spectacular landscapes and peculiarities of the surroundings and spend time hiking and bird watching along the precipitous shoreline where it is quite common to see seals. We continue our journey through the National Park where you can find many beaches and amazing bird life. In this area there are many signs of ancient eruptions from the volcano with various lava formations and craters. Snæfellsjökull glacier is a dormant volcano which attracts thousands of people each year. Some visitors assemble here regularly each summer to enjoy the energy radiation, as they believe it to be one of earth´s seven energy spots. Before we return to Reykjavík we visit Stykkishólmur village by Breiðafjörður bay. We offer two tours to Snæfellsnes Peninsula, which share the same bus transfer to and from Snæfellsnes. The tours split up after the visit to Gerðuberg and Ölkelda in the morning and are joined again in Stykkisholmur for the return trip to Reykjavík.

Meeting/ Pick up point:Bus terminal. Customers must be at the meeting point 30 min before the departure of the tour. If customers want to be picked up at the hotel (in Reykjavik only) they must call 24 hours before in order to reconfirm pick up time.
Duration:11 hours.
Start or opening time: Available on Monday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. Departure time at 09:00 hours.
Languages: English (all departures) and German (Mondays).