(+39) 010 5701151

Whale watching tour - with transfer

Informazioni generali

Reykjavik, IslandaVisite guidate

Il programma nel dettaglio

Thrill at the sight of one of the most awe-inspiring phenomena of the oceans: majestic whales swimming and diving in their natural habitat. This trip also offers the chance to see dolphins and porpoises as well as a wide range of seabirds, including the perennially popular puffin.

Summertime is ideal for whale watching because it is when the wildlife in the bay off Reykjavik reaches its peak. Both the minke and humpback whales are at their most abundant, while families of white-beaked dolphins and harbour porpoises may also be seen playing and cavorting in the waves. The sight of an enormous cetacean within metres of your boat is not one you are likely to forget in a hurry; the graceful elegance of these extraordinary creatures in the water and their sheer size imprint themselves indelibly on the mind. Since these are wild animals in a natural setting it is impossible to guarantee that a specific species will be seen, but the expert and enthusiastic crew on board, with their accumulated years of local knowledge, will do all in their power to ensure that your trip is one that you will cherish for years to come. For bird lovers there is the added attraction of the numerous species of seabirds that may be spotted on the trip. During the puffin season, mid-May to mid-August, we stop by one of the puffin islands for a closer look at these charismatic birds.

With prospect of seeing real cetaceans in their natural environment, this whale watching tour promises to be an unforgettable excursion.

Meeting/pick-up point: Pick-up at your acomodation.
Duration: Between two-and-a-half and three-and-a-half hours.