(+39) 010 5701151

The undiscovered north

Informazioni generali

La Palma, SpagnaVisite guidate

Il programma nel dettaglio

On this full-day tour you'll discover the secrets the idyllic north of La Palma has to show. We'll travel by air-conditioned luxury bus, travelling eastwards as we round the northern cape of the island. Discover steep hillsides dissected by vertiginous gorges, dazzlingly whitewashed farmhouses and small villages surrounded by lush greenery and spectacular scenery This area is of particular botanical and geological interest and we'll take several non-strenuous walks, suitable for people of all ages and conditions.

On this tour you will discover such delights as the impressive Barranco de las Angustias and the farmhouse at Las Tricias where time seems to have stood still. We'll pass through picturesque northern settlements such as Roque Faro, Franceses and Gallegos set in a landscape of outstanding beauty amid lush greenery, cloud-wreathed mountains and the infinite Atlantic Ocean.

Explore the grove of sacred dragon trees at La Tosca. Some of these twisty-trunked specimens are hundreds of years old and their blood red sap is said to have mysterious healing properties. The tour will end at the atmospheric village of San Andres y Sauces with its romantic colonial-style buildings dating back to the 16th Century, its glossy green banana plantations and the nearby temperate cloud forest of at Los Tilos, the best-preserved of its kind in the Canary Islands.

Meeting/ pick up point: Hotel pick up.
Duration: 8 hours.
Start or opening time: Fuencaliente 8.30am, Cancajos 9am, Puerto Naos 10am.
Languages: German, Dutch, Spanish.
Others: Remember to take a packed lunch.