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Accademia Gallery

Informazioni generali

Lucca, ItaliaVisite guidate

Il programma nel dettaglio

Spend an enlightening time amid the iconic works of art contained within Florence’s renowned Accademia Gallery. In here you have the opportunity of coming face to face with a variety of historic masterpieces, including one of the most iconic symbols of Florence and of the history of art: the statue of David, crafted by the otherworldly hands of Michelangelo – not the ninja turtle, but the most famous sculptor of the Renaissance.

Many questions surround the statue of David. Why is it such an important icon? What did it represent in its time? What is it that makes it a pinnacle of perfection? And, furthermore, how did Michelangelo extract such a seemingly natural figure from a block of marble? The David is not the only instance where he performed this feat of artistry; how he extracted the pathos of a bereaved mother in his timeless Pieta – the statue of the Virgin Mary holding the deceased body of her son – continues to bewilder experts around the world.

Enjoy a close encounter with these masterpieces and hear all the most interesting parts of their creator’s fascinating life. The Accademia also houses an astounding collection of paintings dating from between the 14th and 16th centuries. You can also contemplate plaster casts of famous statues that date back to the 19th century and impressive holdings of Russian icons. Feel no pressure to see everything in a short time; when the tour is over, you can linger in the gallery as long as you wish.

Meeting/pick-up point: Accademia Gallery, Booked Tickets Entrance Gate.
Duration: One hour.
Start/opening time: 11.15 am.
Languages:English and Spanish min 2 pax; French, Portuguese and German min 4 or 6 pax.