Andasibe Reserve, the Kingdom of Giant Lemurs


Informaciones generales

2 días y 1 noche
Madagascar (Antananarivo)
Madagascar (Antananarivo)


This is a beautiful high-altitude evergreen rainforest, with gigantic trees, lakes with water lilies, and small waterfalls, inhabited by various species of birds, reptiles, and lemurs.

The reserve’s symbol is without a doubt the Indri-Indri, the largest living lemur, whose astounding call echoes in the early morning through the mist-enveloped forest, creating an eerie primordial atmosphere.

The Indri-Indri can be as large as 1 metre.

Its diet consists of around 1.5 kilos of leaves a day, from at least 32 different plant species, which it procures by exploring its territory, extending for about 20 hectares (49.4 acres). For this reason, also, the Indri-Indri cannot survive in captivity.

It is monogamous and stops reproducing if its mate dies. The female is the dominant member of the couple, and can reproduce starting at the age of 6 months, but only once every 2-3 years.

Its only natural enemy is the fosa.

It emits 3 different cries: the territorial cry, which is heard in the morning, serves to let other Indri-Indris know of its presence in its territory, which it will defend at any cost against intrusion by other Indri-Indris, whereas it puts up with the presence of other species of lemurs.

The reserve is also home to 11 other lemur species, including 4 diurnal ones, and the rare nocturnal Aye-Aye; there are also rare birds, chameleons like the large Parsonii and characteristic Nasutus and Brevicornis, other reptiles like geckos, the camouflaging flat-tailed gecko (Uroplatus), and rare frogs like the Mantella (Mantella aurantiaca).

In the immediate vicinity is the Mantadia National Park, still in the organization phase, where it is possible to observe the rare black Indri-Indri.

The dominant ethnic groups are the Bezanozano and the Betsimisaraka.

Lunch in restaurant.

In the afternoon visit Marozevo Breeding to see many endemic animala as cameleons, lizards, gecko, crocodiles, snakes, beautiful butterflys.

Note: airport transfer and pick up are upon request at the time of booking with additional charge.

- Vakona Forest Lodge (3*)
- Andasibe Hotel (3*)
- Sahatandra River Hotel (3*)
- Andasibe Lemur’s Lodge (2*sup)


Partenza la mattina lungo la bella strada che attraversa l'altopiano orientale, tra boschi di pini ed eucalipti, risaie nelle pianure allagate e i tipici villaggi delle popolazioni locali Merina e Bezanozano; arrivo in circa 3 ore ad Andasibe riserva; check-in in albergo; pranzo in hotel; nel pomeriggio, visita della suggestiva riserva privata Vakona; in serata, cena e pernottamento in hotel.

Dopo la colazione, inizio dell'escursione nella riserva, caratterizzata da foresta pluviale di altitudine costellata di corsi d'acqua e cascate, in una profusione di alberi lussureggianti, felci gigantesche, fiori profumati e mille varietà di orchidee; durante l'escursione si potrà avvistare tra l'altro il più grande lemure vivente, l'Indri-Indri, dal caratteristico richiamo che pervade tutta la foresta; al termine, pranzo in ristorante; nel pomeriggio rientro ad Antananarivo con una sosta all'allevamento di Marozevo per ammirare animali endemici, quali varie specie di Cameleonti, lucertole, gechi, coccodrilli, serpenti, splendide farfalle colorate e altri..; arrivo nella capitale in fine giornata.

Incluido en el precio

- I biglietti d'ingresso per Andasibe Reserve e Marozevo Allevamento
- Pensione completa dal pranzo del 1° giorno al pranzo dell'ultimo giorno incluso
- Hotel
- 24/7 assistenza telefonica (inglese, francese, italiano, spagnolo)

No incluido en el precio

- Guide locali nei parchi e riserve
- Bibite, mance ed extra in genere
- Tutto quanto non espressamente indicato nel programma e nei “servizi inclusi”


Día Pernoctacion Informaciónes adicionales
1 Antananarivo   Antananarivo - Ivato International Airport (TNR)
  Antananarivo - Hotel Lobby
2   Antananarivo

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