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Arequipa Inn

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Arequipa Inn

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Arequipa Inn

3 Estrellas 3 Estrellas Hotel
Rivero No. 412 - Cercado

Arequipa, Peru


With a superb location in the downtown area of Arequipa, Arequipa Inn is a convenient option for travelers seeking to explore the major cultural attractions and churches located nearby.This hotel has guestrooms equipped with basic amenities for a comfortable stay in a quiet and relaxing atmosphere. It also offers a café, complimentary wireless Internet access and tourist information, as well as parking, laundry facilities and a safe at the front desk. Don’t hesitate to select Arequipa Inn for your next vacation!CheckIn: 1:00 p.m., CheckOut: 12:00 p.m..
Taxes are included: False

Dirección: Rivero No. 412 - Cercado
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