Dog Sledding


Informaciones generales

Tromso, Noruega

Detalles del programa

After meeting our driver and minibus at the pick-up point, enjoy a scenic 30 minute drive away from the bustling city and out to our kennel. Here you will be welcomed by our friendly staff who provide you with a polar insulated suit and boots. You may also borrow hats and mittens if needed. Once you are dressed you are welcome to explore the kennel and meet our dogs.

We pride ourselves on our friendly and social huskies. They love to meet and interact with guests. Your guide will then tell you a little about the history of the Alaskan Husky and what incredible athletes these dogs are. Watch carefully as the staff demonstrate how to drive your own sled and what to expect from the trail that day.

Our guides and dogs are excellent teachers and will make sure you are safe and comfortable on the trail.




Coffee and homemade chocolate cake