One-Day Tour to Chernobyl Zone - with Lunch

Informaciones generales

Kiev, Ucrania

Detalles del programa

7.50am - 8am

Meeting with the team

After the passports verification you’ll take a seat at the comfortable bus.

8am Start of the trip

10.30am - 10.45am ETA to Dytyatky 30-km Zone Checkpoint - passport control and safety rules briefing. Entering the Zone, driving to Chernobyl.

Your will see that Chernobyl is virtually a usual Ukrainian small town, where the workers of the power plant and other Exclusion Zone state companies are based. Indeed, when you're first time in the zone, it’s hard to imagine that this town has something to do with the catastrophe of 1986.

Stop near the exposition of machinery and equipment which were in use to mitigate the catastrophe consequences.

Monument ‘To Those Who Saved the World’

Chernobyl-2 Secret Object. DUGA-1 over-the-horizon radar station

DUGA-1 object is one of the most well-known objects of the former USSR. Its exact name is in fact «5H32».

The radar was supposed to detect air targets, like launched intercontinental ballistic missiles.

The signal emitted by the radar reminded of a woodpecker hammering. For this reason, the object has been nicknamed “the Woodpecker”.

1:30-2:30pm Lunch (Estimated time)

Healthy lunch at a CNPP canteen:

traditional 3 course lunch. There are some options to choose from. A set lunch includes a bowl of soup, salad, main course and soft drinks. This healthy and nourishing lunch will give you energy to keep on exploring the Zone.

Visit to the abandoned town of Pripyat

- the “Red” Forest

- the Pripyat sign on entering the town

- stop on the central square of the town, a walking tour

- Energetic Palace of Culture, Polissya Hotel

- department store

- the Ferris Wheel (its opening was planned for May 1st, 1986, but …)

- town hall which became the first headquarters of the governmental commission mitigating the consequences of the accident

- Prometheus Cinema

- river port, sinking pier

- kindergarten and school

You will take tons of photos, get absolutely unforgettable impressions and feel really exceptional emotions!

The grounds for refusing the visit into the Exclusion zone and zone of unconditional (obligatory) resettlement are the following:

1. persons who have not reached the age of eighteen years;

2. wrong data in the application;

3. threat of an emergency situation or fire during a fire-hazardous period;

4. performance of repair (research, technological) and other works that make it impossible for unauthorized persons to stay on the territory of the Exclusion zone and the zone of unconditional (mandatory) resettlement;

5. in case of obtaining information from law enforcement agencies about the involvement of a person in terrorist activities;

6. medical contraindications to increased ionizing irradiation;

7. persons under alcoholic/drug intoxication are not allowed to take a trip to the Zone;

8. consuming drugs and alcohol is prohibited during the trip;

9. it is strictly prohibited to take any objects from the Zone.

It is allowed to move in the Zone:

 only following established routes

 only with group leader and/or guide

 only with the group.

Important: wear only clothes covering most of the body (trousers, long-sleeved shirt or jacket, closed footwear).

PROHIBITED ARE: shorts, short trousers, skirts, open footwear, short sleeves.

The Rules of stay in the Zone prohibit:

• eating, drinking and smoking in open air;

• touching buildings, trees, plants;

• gathering and eating mushrooms, berries, fruit and nuts in forests and gardens of the abandoned settlements

• sitting on the ground

• putting photo and video cameras, bags, backpacks and other personal belongings on the ground.

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant industrial site

- photo-stop at the cooling pond on the right one can see the unfinished reactors 5 and 6 as well as the huge cooling towers on the left there are nuclear units 1, 2 and 3 and the New Safe Confinement

- visiting the memorial next to the administrative building of the CHNPP

- feeding gigantic cat-fish (depends on weather conditions)

- Confinement, also called “Arch”

You will see the New Safe Confinement at the distance of some 300 meters!

Radiological control

5pm-7pm Transfer to the city.