Half Day in Ancient Hilltop Temple


Informaciones generales

Semarang, Indonesia

Detalles del programa

Spend the day exploring the wonderful Gedong Songo Temple complex on this tour that highlights Java’s ancient culture. Boarding your comfortable air-conditioned van at the pier, you’ll begin a two-hour journey through the picturesque countryside as you make your to the complex.

Constructed during the 9th century Syailendra Dynasty, the temples were discovered 1804 by Sir Stamford Raffles and are considered excellent examples of the Early Classic style of Javanese architecture. Arriving at the parking area for the complex, you’ll disembark your van and continue your journey to the temples on horseback. As the horse’s owner leads you up the pine-forested trail, you are free to enjoy the panoramic scenery passing by.

Situated at a height of approximately 4,000 feet above sea level, the temples provide breath-taking views across north-central java and on a clear day, you can see a line of volcanoes on the horizon, from Mt.lawu in the east to Mt.Sumbing, Mt.Sundro and the Dieng massif in the west. The temples themselves are more or less evenly spaced between 300 – 700 feet apart on individual hills and ridges that project from the mountainside.

On the main temple, which is dedicated to Siva, the statue of Nandiswara on the north side and Mahakala on the outside of the doorway, are still in place. The siva temple stands as confirmation that Javanese Hindu iconography had reached its maturity by this time in history. Within the temple grounds you will also find several hot sulfur springs that are open to bathers for a fee.

After approximately ninety minutes enjoying the wonderful architecture and history of the Gedong Songo Temples, you’ll travel to the delightful Bandungan Resort for a tasty Indonesian buffet lunch. Following lunch at this highlands location, it’s time to make the return trek to the Semarang.

Meeting/pick-up point: Hotels in Samarang city.

Duration: 6 hours.

Start/opening time: 9am.

Languages: English.

Dress code: Lightweight clothing, a hat, sunglasses and comfortable, flat shoes with closed-toes are suggested.

Medical restrictions: This tour is not recommended for those with heart problems, asthma, epilepsy, recent back or neck injuries, or pregnant women.

Exclusions: Personal expenses, tipping and beverage during lunch.

Others: This tour travels by van for approximately 3 ½ hours and is not available to wheelchair guests or those with mobility concerns.
Guests may be required to sign a release form before the tour in order to be allowed to take part in the tour.
There are no restrooms on the coach, but restrooms are available at the temple complex and at the resort.