Caving Adventure in Budapest


Informaciones generales

Budapest, Hungría

Detalles del programa


• Explore the caves under Budapest

• A unique experience with lots of crawling and climbing

• Learn about the geology of Hungary

• Professional English-speaking caving guides

Who would have thought of having a caving adventure in Budapest? Many people frequent Hungary’s famous thermal baths. But only a few know that the subterranean thermal waters streaming up from deep underground have created a huge cave system underneath the city. The caves of Budapest are thought to be more than 100 km long and nominated to UNESCO World Heritage sites. The longest cave under Budapest is the 31 km long Pál-völgyi-Mátyás-hegyi cave system located in the Duna-Ipoly National Park. Many of it’s chambers under the residential districts of Budapest. This system of caves represents a real multi-level labyrinth system and is perfect for a caving adventure in Budapest.

Our regularly scheduled cave tour is overseen by qualified caving guides. You’ll often have to climb walls and crawl through narrow passages, and all deep underground, so be prepared for unique experience. This caving adventure in Budapest is probably not the best tour for the claustrophobic!

Under the supervision of professional caving guides, you’ll travel through natural parts of the caves. All caving equipment is provided, including overalls, helmets and lamps and you can change clothes in changing rooms. Even though you might have to crawl, climb, scramble or creep a great deal, no previous caving experience required.

All tour guides are members of the Hungarian Caving Association.

