El Palacio Bourbon Real de Caserta

Informaciones generales

Napoli, Italia

Detalles del programa

The Bourbon Royal Palace is a residence in Caserta, 30 minutes from Naples, built for the Bourbon kings of Naples. It was the largest palace and one of the largest buildings erected in Europe during the 18th century. Is considered the “Versailles of Italy”.

In 1997, the Palace was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Used by different movie productions like Star Wars, Mission Impossible, Angels&Demons, Casino Royale as filming location.

The tour continues with a stop by the town of Casertavecchia for lunch at a local restaurant and to stroll along the streets of the medieval village. In 1960, Casertavecchia was designated an Italian National Monument. Today, the village is primarily a tourist destination. Sites worth visiting consist of the church, its bell tower, and the remains of the original castle.

Meeting/pick-up point: Main hotels of Naples City Center.

Drop-off location: Main hotels of Naples City Center.

Duration: 7 hours.

Start/opening time: 9am-9.30am.

End/closing time: 4pm-4.30pm.

Opening days/period: Monday-Thursday.

Languages: English.

Others: Audioguide Royal Palace not included.