Auschwitz Birkenau Shared Guided Tour with Private Transfer


General information

Krakow, Poland

Program details

Poland was the scene of the greatest crimes in history and while extermination camps such as Treblinka and Sobibor were dismantled by the Nazis, the complex at Auschwitz-Birkenau still stands as a reminder of their brutal inhumanity. Take a private visit to the two camps that make up the complex and an unguided visit to the museum.

Exactly how many innocent men, women and children were murdered at Auschwitz is unknown, but all estimates are above the one-million mark. The tour includes a visit to Auschwitz I, the administrative centre of the camp, and Auschwitz II, which was designed and constructed as an extermination facility.

Walk through the gate bearing the fallacious inscription: ‘Arbeit macht frei’ (work sets one free) and begin touring the complex. The guide will explain the origins of the camp, its history and the everyday life of the prisoners. The memorial and museum were founded in 1947 and the complex comprises the camps of Auschwitz (Auschwitz I) in Oświęcim and Birkenau (Auschwitz II) in Brzezinka. There are approximately 150 buildings and 300 ruins. The original roads, fences, watchtowers and railway ramps have all been preserved. In 1979, the camp was designated a Unesco World Heritage Site.

Out of respect for those who lost their lives here, please maintain the dignity and sanctity of these memorials by wearing appropriate attire. This tour will provide an education into a history that can never be forgotten so that the steps and climate leading up to it will never be repeated again.