Hams Caves - Ticket

General information

Mallorca, Spain

Program details

Located in Porto Cristo, the Hams Caves (‘hams’ means fishhook in Catalan) are renowned worldwide for their stunning stalactites and stalagmites, their spectacular tree-like formations and the wonderful underground lakes.

Begin the tour by descending to the Round Cave, where you will discover a huge botanical garden with native fauna. In the Blue Cave – you will watch a fascinating documentary that introduces you to the history of Mallorca, its first inhabitants, the formation of the caves and its extraordinary discoveries.

Admire the spectacular new LED lighting, the "Pillars of Samson", the "Fra Mauro Plains" and "Hell's Pit" where you will find the GENESIS Auditorium that showcases 'The History of Life' - a time-lapse audiovisual guide, from the Big Bang to the present day, on a giant projection onto the ancient rock of the cave itself. Then we visit the Classic Cave, which is comprised of 12 stunning galleries.

After exploring the cave and contemplating its incredible formations, marvel the spectacular "Sea of Venice", the breathtaking underground Lake that offers enchanting musical entertainment. Hams Caves are one of the main attractions in Mallorca and provide an unforgettable day out for the whole family.

There is free parking at the site.

You will be accompanied by a staff member during the whole visit. Audioguide languages during the visit of the Blue Cave in Catalan, Spanish, German, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Czech, Mandarin Chinese, Norwegian and Russian. Recorded information during the rest of the visit of the Hams Caves in Catalan, Spanish, German, English and French.