

General information

Nassau, Bahamas

Program details

Don’t worry, you do not need any prior experience or certification to SNUBA, welcoming anyone and everyone who wants to give it a go! Come along and bring your family, partner, parents or children and make lasting memories together beneath the glimmering blue sea.

SNUBA has 3 easy-peasy steps that you will follow. The first includes a 15 minute safety briefing, learning what to expect during the guided tour and how to use the equipment. Next we gear you up, mask, fins, weight belt, harness – the lot! You will look like a pro in no time! Now time for the fun part! Swim, breathe and explore underwater in small groups with a highly qualified and skilled SNUBA guide. Lose yourself to breathtaking scenery, ponder the enchanting fauna and swim alongside the various species of fish! You won’t want to return to land!


English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian.