Dolphin Royal Swim in Chankanaab Park


General information

Cozumel, Mexico

Program details

Among the many things to do in Cozumel, a one-of-a-kind experience is Dolphin Discovery. Our incredible habitat is located on the beautiful Cozumel island, one of the most important cruiseship ports in the world. The dolphins will offer you an array of interesting aquatic activities for you to enjoy. The Dolphin Royal Swim is the most dynamic of the dolphin swim programs and the most complete, as you will swim with 2 dolphins. It includes the famous foot push, where two dolphins will raise you up the water surface by pushing you from the bottom of your feet. This program also includes the dorsal tow, a ride along the Caribbean Sea while you hold on to the dorsal fins. In addition, you will also receive a kiss, a hug, a handshake and you will be able to enjoy time with two dolphins in the water. After your Dolphin Royal Swim program, you can enjoy the facilities of the unique Chankanaab National Reef Park where Dolphin Discovery is located.


Chankanaab park, Pool, Sea Lion Show, Snorkel.