Full Day Torres del Paine Tour

General information

Calafate, Argentina

Program details

Join us for a full day of adventure through Patagonia. Begin the journey as you head south crossing the Patagonian Steppe in the desert until reaching the Cancha Carrera border to enter Chile. After crossing the border, continue south until you arrive stunning Torres del Paine National Park (meaning the "Blue Towers" in the Tehuelche language).

The excursion is split between hiking and aboard an exclusive overland 4x4 truck. The exclusivity of this tour, and the hundreds of hiking paths in the area, enables us to customize your treks to your physical capabilities. This not only aides in your safety but you can be satisfied in knowing that your experience will be a unique one. Our guides are experts and know exactly how to get the best view points for every level of hiker.

Here is a list of some of the landmarks that are possible on this excursion:

Sarmiento de Gamboa Lake viewpoint, Saltos del Rio Paine, Cerro Almirante Nieto/Cuernos del Paine from a superior viewpoint, Laguna Amarga entrance: optional trekking by the Fauna's footpath to the Sarmiento entrance, Salto Grande viewpoint (Big Fall), Viewpoint Nordenskjold Lake de los Cuernos del Paine, Pehoe Lake.

There will be two breaks, one for lunch and the other for an afternoon snack. If the weather is nice these will be taken outside, but if not, there are plenty of shelters around in which we can regain our energy. After our afternoon snack, we will start to make our way back.

Please keep in mind that everything in Patagonia is weather permitting and the itinerary is dependent on the physical capabilities of the group.


English and Spanish