Wine tasting and coastal Sitges from Barcelona

General information

Barcelona, SpainRestaurants

Program details

Spend the day sipping delectable Spanish wine, strolling through lush vineyards, and enjoying the quaint coastal city of Sitges with a five hour tour that will show you the sweet life on the Mediterranean coast.

Departing Barcelona, you'll head south into the coastal countryside, rich with the natural beauty and bounty of vineyards and olive groves. Take in the idyllic country scenery as you make your way to the Torres Cellars and Vineyards. Here, you'll get an introduction to the winemaking process, and learn what it takes to make it from field to table. Stroll through the crisp air of the vineyards and enjoy the bright Mediterranean sunshine, before tasting the wares yourself. Sip and sample the many wines and olive oils produced right here at Torres.

After captivating your palate with such fine offerings, you'll make your way over to the coastal town of Sitges. With old world charm, beautiful beaches, and towering palms, Sitges is a place where past meets paradise. Take in the small shops, modernist streets, and a relaxing beachy vibe; perfect accompaniments to this lovely atmosphere. Remark on the prominence of the Sant Bartomeu church, and admire its beauty as it makes its indelible mark on the Sitges skyline. Take some time to peruse the shops and grab a bite to eat before you call it a day and make your return.

Enjoy a day that blends the sweet taste of local Spanish wines and the pleasures of the soft sea breeze off the coast of Sitges.

Meeting/pick-up point:Passatge Concepció, 7 (Passeig de Gràcia).
Duration: 5 hours.
Start/opening time: Tuesdays and Saturdays at 9am, Thursdays at 3pm.
Languages: , French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. A fee is charged for additional languages: Russian, German, Chinese, Japanese.