(+39) 010 5701151

Canopy River Zip Lines.

Informazioni generali

Puerto Vallarta, MessicoVisite guidate

Il programma nel dettaglio

For those who really enjoy the pleasure of being in contact with nature, we offer the most spectacular zip line tour in Puerto Vallarta. The river canopy adventure consists of 12 lines that cross a valley of ancient forests and rocky gorges.

Ziplines were originally were designed by specialised biologists to access the thickest of forests and thus reach plants that live in the treetops. Now, they offer you an adrenaline-rushed experience of the jungle. Along the way, your two trained and experienced guides point out and explain the great variety of flora and fauna around you. After a safety briefing by the guides, you will be equipped with a full body harness, pulleys and security helmet. A new world is revealed from the air as you glide smoothly through the forest. Stop on every platform for a moment to breathe fresh air while enjoying the river view below you, plus the spectacular scenery of the surrounding forest. Return to the reception area riding on mules, an extraordinary journey during which you bear witness to breathtaking views of the Sierra Madre.

On the return to the reception area, in the restaurant Los Coapinoles, you will enjoy an exquisite and deserved meal and refreshing drinks. Take the Tequila tour offered by Tequilera El Jorullo to learn more about this unique and 100% Mexican drink. Then you can relax in a hammock or stroll around enjoying the beautiful setting with a good cup of coffee or tea.

Meeting/pick-up point: Bucerias El Faro, 8.40am and 11.40am. Nuevo Vallarta Palma Real at 7.50am, 8.50am, 9.50am, 11.50am and 1.50pm Marina Collage Disco ar 8.10am, 9.10am, 10.10am, 12.10pm and 2.10pm.
Duration: Four Hours.
Languages: Spanish and English.