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Poerta Coeli Monastery, Gothic Castle Pernstejn

Informazioni generali

Brno, Repubblica CecaAttrazioni/Intrattenimento

Il programma nel dettaglio

Go through Heaven’s Gate and beyond with this fascinating tour to Porta Coeli Convent and Pernstejn Castle, which are just a short distance from Brno. To explore the 13th century convent and the Gothic-Renaissance castle is like going back in time to medieval Moravia.

Located a 30-minute drive from Brno, Porta Coeli, means ‘Heaven’s Gate’ in Latin, and you’ll see just as the elaborate Gothic doorway to the basilica of this Cistercian convent, which was founded in 1233 by Queen Constance of Hungary. For hundreds of years, the nuns prayed and helped the poor until Habsburg Emperor Joseph II closed it down in 1782. But the convent was reconsecrated in 1901 and to this day retains the beauty and elegance that made it famous throughout the Czech lands. The cloister and the chapter hall also have much admired artistic value. See for yourself just why.

A 20-minute drive from the convent is Pernstejn Castle, a colossal fortress that hulks, ever vigilant, atop a rock that allows it to dominate the surrounding valley. Although founded in the 13th century, it owes its Gothic appearance to final modifications carried out in the 16th century by the Lords of Pernstejn. It is known as the Marble Castle due to the stone that frames its doors and windows, which boast great views as far as the forests of Bohemian-Moravian Highlands. This visit includes lunch in the castle restaurant, where you will be able to feast on delicious traditional Czech cuisine.

Meeting/ pick-up point: Grandhotel Brno, Benesova.
Duration: Six hours.
Start/opening time: 9am.
Languages: Guide in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, German.