(+39) 010 5701151

Full Day Esna Edfu Komombo

Informaciones generales

Luxor, Egipto

Detalles del programa

In this tour, we drive south of Luxor Toward Esna to visit its temple dedicated to the ram-headed god Khnum, the god of creation. Tuthmosis III laid the foundations of the Temple in the 18th Dynasty, but Ptolemaic and Roman Emperors completed it between 40 to 250 A.D., then we continue driving to visit the temple of Edfu Scared to God Hours by horse carriage you will reach the temple which dates back to Ptolemaic times, we then drive towards the temple of Komombo which was constructed on the ruins of a much older temple called "Ber Sobek", or the house of the god Sobek.

This older temple was erected by two 18th dynasty rules: King Tuthmosis III and Queen Hatshepsut, whose marvelous temple is still standing in the West Bank of Luxor.


English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, and Arabic.