(+39) 010 5701151

Nhumbai Village Experience Tour


General information

Siem Reap, Cambodia

Program details

Welcome to an unforgettable experience in our charming rural village! Allow us to whisk you away from the hustle and bustle of the city and into the heart of Cambodian culture. Your adventure begins with a personalized pick-up service from your hotel, ensuring your comfort and convenience throughout the journey.

As we make our way to the village, we'll make a delightful detour to a lively local market.

Upon arriving at our picturesque rural village, you'll be greeted by your knowledgeable and friendly local guide. They will be your gateway to understanding and appreciating the unique way of life that exists here. Prepare to be enthralled as you engage in various traditional activities alongside the warm-hearted villagers.

As midday approaches, we'll pause for a delectable lunch experience that transcends mere sustenance.

With hearts and bellies full, it will be time to bid farewell to the village and return to your hotel. Reflect on the cherished memories and newfound understanding of rural Cambodian life as we escort you back in comfort and style.

Join us on this remarkable journey, where you'll not only witness but actively participate in the vibrant tapestry of our rural village. Let us open the doors to an enriching cultural experience that will leave an indelible mark on your soul.