(+39) 010 5701151

Traditional Greek family dinner

General information

Athens, GreeceRestaurants

Program details

Discover what day to day life in Athens is like by joining a local family for a traditional Greek meal. Former US President Ike Eisenhower famously said: “Understanding between people is the passport to peace”. This one of a kind tour give you the ideal chance for mixing and mingling with the locals and learning all about their traditions and customs – in their very own home!

The experience of being invited as a guest to enjoy a heart-warming meal at a local home is a truly unparalleled one that will bring you closer to Greek culture more than any other touristic experience. As you share a home-cooked dinner with the family, you will be able to converse, exchange ideas and ask all those questions you always wanted to ask a local about your cultural differences and what life is like as an Athenian. Not to mention the fact that you will probably get to know each other very well and become good friends.

You won’t be eating at any old house; this tour makes sure you will enjoy a traditional meal at a typical Athenian house. At the end of the night, to top off this cultural experience, you will receive a traditional recipe souvenir to take home with you and remember that night you felt like a member of a Greek family. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to liaise with the locals and broaden your cultural horizons.

Meeting/pick-up point: Hotel lobby.
Duration: Two and-a-half hours.
Start/opening time: At 8pm.
End/closing time: 10.30pm.
Languages: English, French, German and Italian.